First Bonham Kids

We believe that children are not only the church of tomorrow but also the church of today. We want to help you as parents to lead them towards Christ and help them understand the life-giving truths of God's Word. Check out the ways that First Bonham Kids is coming alongside of families to raise up the next generation.

Kid's Sunday School

Each Sunday morning we offer age-targeted small group classes for all ages of children and youth. Each class is designed to teach children biblical stories and truths in kid-friendly and age-appropriate ways. Click the Planning Center image to see a list of classes.

Kid's Church

During our Sunday Morning 10:45am service, we meet together in the Sanctuary—adults and children—to sing songs, pray together, and hear God's Word taught. We believe that children should be present in the main service as much as possible to see what worship, fellowship, and transformation are all about.


However, we also know that sometimes the younger elementary children can't quite make it through an entire service, so we invite children (aged 4yrs-2nd Grade) to our kid's church ("Extended Worship"). Children are welcome to come to the south side of the sanctuary (piano side) just before the sermon begins to have a great time learning at Extended Worship.

The Family Place

One of the ways that we believe that kids can learn biblical truths in a fun way is through literature. You can find a newly renovated children's library at the back of our sanctuary called "The Family Place." Our hope is that you will bring your child into the library to find a plethora of books (and possibly a little candy too) that can be used at home to encourage personal growth, a love of reading, and most importantly a love for Christ and His Word. 


We have books on biblical heroes, biblical values and lessons, and much more. The Family Place is open each Sunday from 9am-9:30am and again from 10:30am-10:45am.

Do you live in Fannin County and need assistance with kid's clothing? We have a ministry called Kid's First Clothes Closet that helps families provide clothing for their children. Click here to find out more.